Saturday, November 11, 2006

Time with friends

Well, this is a weekend with old friends. My old roommate, Michelle, who just got married over a year ago (hmm, I guess it must be almost 2 by now), invited me over for a "sleep over" party at her house since her husband was away for the weekend. It was nice. We spent the whole evening just chatting, about all and nothing, and the events of the past months in each of our lives. We hadn't hung out in a long time. It's funny to see how things change so much in life, and yet they don't really. We laughed though when we realized how layed back she'd become with her husband - I know that was my influence on her life that caused that, cause if anyone knows Michelle, she ain't no layed back person !! :)... Truly, show me your friends, and I'll show you your future!

Here are some pictures of my best friends ever, Sandra and Cameron Jeffs, and their 2 little ones, Josiah and Hannah... Can you believe that Josiah is only 2 years old, a couple months younger than my baby sister Cassylia! See him on those drums! He can actually keep a beat, which is very impressive for a 2 yr old!

And Hannah, such a doll! We had a nice afternoon, just chatting and hanging out. Oh, and Sandra, well, she was born in Tanzania, and her parents, Mr and Mrs Bjorklund, were missionaries there. So, we got really inspired about tomorrow's African party, and she passed on a bunch of clothes and decorations for tomorrow. She'll even be bringing Hannah in a Katanga, African style! So cool!


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